Serving SOUL impacts those on both ends: those serving and those being served. We believe in “connecting souls through service.”

Serving SOUL does this by providing college students with hands-on service to local community members who are in need of a light and Jesus’s love in their day. We aim to build relationships with those we serve through our consistent and committed chapter members.

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Christina britt Hibbs - founder, Co-Chair

Christina founded SOUL in 2017 during her freshman year of college at the University of Georgia. Christina graduated from UGA with an undergraduate degree in marketing and a masters degree in nonprofit management and leadership. She now works for Lifeshape, a nonprofit ministry that connects Chick-fil-A to the world through partnerships with international nonprofits. Her life mission is inspiring disciples to live out an active faith through service, while recognizing the deeper power of relationships. Christina still serves on Serving SOUL’s Board of Directors and is overjoyed to continue witnessing the Lord’s plans for SOUL unfold.

Brennen Clifford - Co-Chair

Brennen has been involved in SOUL since its beginning in 2017. After transferring into UGA his sophomore year, he was heavily involved with SOUL’s mission, vision, and operations. He led the Athens PB&J SOUL Squad his junior year and transitioned into the role of President his senior year. After graduating in 2019, Brennen moved to Atlanta and started his career in Commercial Real Estate. He currently works for Hillwood, an industrial real estate developer, and sits on the Board of Serving Soul. He helps with strategic growth, mentorship, and aids in day-to-day responsibilities for the non-profit. In his free time, you can find Brennen frequenting new restaurants, attending concerts, and cheering on the Buffalo Bills.


Valerie HAll - spiritual development leader

Dr. Valerie Hall resides in Dekalb County,  Georgia. She holds a DBA in Business Management & Leadership with over 20 years of information technology management and operations. 

She currently serves as a Sr. Program Manager for Delta Air Lines, Inc. 

She is also an active volunteer in the community and a sworn Deputy of the Dekalb county Court system to make recommendations for children in foster care.

Her wealth of knowledge and experience, as well as her deep heart for serving others, equip Valerie to be an amazing Spiritual Development Leader for Serving SOUL.

Kaitlyn Frame - relationships leader

Kaitlyn has has been involved in SOUL since its beginning in 2017. She fell in love with SOUL's mission her sophomore year of college. It played a pivotal role in her own spiritual growth during her time at UGA. Kaitlyn served on the executive team both sophomore and junior year and transitioned into the role of President her senior year. After graduating in 2019, Kaitlyn moved to Marietta and started her career as a teacher in the Marietta City School District. She currently teaches kindergarten at Hickory Hills Elementary! Kaitlyn currently serves on the Serving SOUL's Board and is overjoyed to see the impact SOUL is making on various college campuses. Watching how the Lord has used SOUL to connect individuals to service opportunities with an emphasis on building relationships is her favorite part of this organization. In her free time, you can find Kaitlyn reading a good book or working out!

Weyman Hall - Revenue development leader

Weyman currently serves as Serving SOUL’s Revenue Development Leader.